Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Rookie Kitchen

Over the hill and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go.   This week all three kids are gone.  The boy is at lacrosse camp and the girls are with their grandparents.  On top of that I only have to work one out of the five nights they'll be gone.  

What in the world am I doing with myself? Not what you'd expect.  You see when I got home I realized how horrific the carpet was in my son's room.  Old cat + carpet = not pretty.  So on a whim I decided to rip it out.  My initial plan was to replace the carpet with cork.  Well it turns out cork does not fit into my budget.  As such I went with plan B -- painting the sub floor.  Thus far I've cleared the room of furniture, ripped out the carpet and padding, hauled them to the dump (thanks to the hubbie for help), pulled up the tacking strips, removed all the padding tacks, filled in the cracks with wood filler, sanded and wiped the floors clean and painted with primer and an initial top coat layer.  Whew!  Why am I not lounging in the yard while being fanned with palm fronds?  Isn't that what normal people do when their children are away?

I still have to paint additional topcoat layers, add a Steeler's logo (because I am a crazy person) and polyurethane the whole deal.  All this only to do the girls' room next.  

And tonight, while the paint was drying, I began yet another project ... Novellino Cucina (The Rookie Kitchen).  This is my new cooking blog where I intended to cook my way through Italy ala Julie and Julia.  

And that is what I've been up to. Whatcha doing with your summer?  



Anonymous said...

two rooms in our house have painted floors as well. it was meant to be temporary until we could get the floor we wanted (yep, cork.) three years later, we still have painted floors. its not my favorite floor option, but it's economical and great for households with a lot of pets. clean up is very easy.

Gayle said...

Shalet, you are a busy woman! I'll bet your son is going to be so happy to see his new Steelers floor when he gets home!

And, a new blog, too! I'm going to go check it out!

TAMI said...

I just saw a preview for the Julie & Julia movie at the theater! Looked really good, but decidedly a chick flick, so I may have to grab a friend and leave The Engineer at home!

The Berghorn Family said...

Is it crazy to say that I love projects like that? Last January, I decided to paint the bedrooms. One girl wanted stripes (four different colors, bottom only please) and one wanted polka-dots. So I did and I must say I like the painting the dots better...

LaughingFamily said...

You are such a good momma for spending your vacation working on his floor - I'm sure he will love it. I, for one, can't wait to read The Rookie Kitchen!